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 I do appreciate that. "...on the theory that a country cannot remain half-disarmed and half-armed to the teeth, sexy mature babes and not ultimately have those who think they have all the guns ultimately deciding elections with them." You have sexy mature babes my word on this:  if my fellow Republicans ever felt that we should take the sexy mature babes right to vote away from the left, no matter how strange I think the left is, I will defend your right to vote.  With my life, if needed. "It's happened in other countries..." This is the part that puzzles me. You apparently realize that other coutries (uhm... Iraq) don't share our democratic ideal. You apparently are aware that in those countries, people have been subjugated by a gun. (As Saddam did with his people in Iraq.) Yet, in Iraq, you are worried about... us? You think we need to get out of Iraq right now, thus leaving it to the people with the most guns?
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