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by hg wells on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 11:21:53 PM PDT [ Parent ] I know a couple (none / 0) Both are Republicans, but they both think the War in Iraq was a really bad idea. The wife's sex extended family lives on a Christian-based compound out in the country. They don't shine to her views. And if she ever had a notion to sex go public with them, they'd go on TV and denounce her in a heartbeat. So...should she just shut up and let her sex extremist clan dictate what she says and does? She's already voted with her feet; she doesn't lived at the compound anymore. Good call. It's called free will. The real basis of the Baptist movement, the Reformation and, you guessed it, Christianity. But the pseudo-Christian militia worshippers and compound kooks lost The Way long ago. It's not that they don't know Jack. It's that they don't know him on a first-name basis. :) by cskendrick on Sun Aug 14, 2005 at 05:59:05 AM PDT [ Parent ] Diversion (none / 0) Nice talking points.