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Everything changed for me during those four funny pictures weeks. I was not a nervous, motherless boy. I was not shy. I was spontaneous. I was a daredevil, not counting the number of cars lined up and determining the necessary speed needed to clear them, but just hitting funny pictures the gas and flying, knowing I'd probably wipe out at the end but having no earthly idea just how badly it'd break up my insides. Not even caring.  Remember when you wrote TruLuv4Ever on my notebook? Remember when I gave you that note that was stream-of-conscious musings about funny pictures jelly donuts and the smell of scotch tape on    CHristmAsmoRningsofLimpidyOuThandhowiThoughtyou mightbEfIlledwithSweetjellyandwrappedwithtapewithbellSalso hangingPrettilyfrOmyourhairaNdinThAtnoteialsomaNagEd tOcapitalizeinslightlyUnorthodoxfaShion the letters that spelled CHARLOTTE IS SPONTANEOUS?  I told you I wrote it while taking notes in 4th, but it took me three days to pen that thing. One night on your couch, after I tried (and failed) to French kiss you (failed, because you said you were afraid you'd get "carried away" if you did it, and I didn't even know what it meant to get carried away, not really, but it just made me want to kiss you more), we made a pact that nothing would come between us: At the heart of our relationship, the steel of our connection was the fact that
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