He's a fuckin' star. panamanian rock star

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He's a fuckin' star. Malcolm: Phoebe - how would you like to supervise our Sidney for a month or two? rock star Phoebe: No way. Malcolm: Go on; you'd be a good influence on the boy. Why not? Phoebe: Infectious hepatitis, loony girlfriend, drugs? Malcolm: Boys will be boys. Sid: If it wasn't for my mum's kindness, we'd be out on the fucking streets! Nancy: And if it wasn't for your rock star mom's stupidity, we'd have our own apartment in Paris! Sid: We don't fucking care. Sid: [playing on his bass] And we don't fucking care! John: No, there's no "fucking". It's just "we don't care" Sid: 'Ere, speakin of cunts who can't play. Hello girls, where'd you get your perms? Steve: [playing darts in the pub] Get the darts Paul.
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