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The relationship between suspended middle school teacher Debra Beasley Lafave and the 14-year-old the milf hunter student she is accused of having sex with appeared to be one of mutual attraction, court documents released Thursday indicated.  The documents, released by the 13th Circuit State Attorney's Office in Tampa, also the milf hunter show DNA matching Lafave's was recovered from the boy's body.  · Young male student outlines case against schoolteacher.  In his statement - which is written in the childish scrawl of a young teen - the victim revealed how he the milf hunter became entangled in an affair with the comely teacher. "She told me that she had feeling for me," he wrote. "She told me that she was thinking about me a lot and had feeling for me [and] she didn't know what to do with them. "We did not have sex until Monday June 14," he added.
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