The Fargo Police Department 2002 woman sex pictures

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The Fargo Police Department conducted woman sex pictures a community notification on January 17, 2003.     (Posted 1/2003 )  woman sex pictures    Jesse A. Kluck 411 North Broadway, Apt. #204 Fargo, North Dakota Offense Background:  In 1995, Jesse Kluck was adjudicated by Cass County Juvenile Court to be a delinquent child, guilty of the crime of Gross Sexual Imposition. This resulted from him having sexual contact with two girls known to him, ages 11 and 6 years old. Kluck was placed in the custody of the North Dakota Department of Juvenile Services.  September 2000: woman sex pictures Kluck was released from custody of the North Dakota Department of Juvenile Services.After his release, Kluck lived in several different locations and was convicted of failure to register as a sex offender in 2001.  
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