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investigation, new york city, metro, scandal, nasty dollars , debra beasley lafave, over 1800 jokes and 500+ funny pics, re finance, bust up, milf hunter , masturbationand sex forum, Contos was charged with one count of child molestation and one count of intimidating a witness. He was released from county jail Saturday after posting $100,000 bail. Popular teen Web sites sexy news like MySpace ( are a big concern for police because they can be trolling grounds for pedophiles, San Jose police Sgt. Tom Sims said in a recent interview before the Santa Cruz arrest. While stressing that he believes the Internet is a valuable resource, Sims applauded recent sexy news efforts by school officials to regulate how students gain access to those sites. ``It's just much easier for sexy news strangers to approach kids on the Internet than on the street,'' said Sims, a veteran investigator with the department's child-exploitation detail and the director of a regional task force that focuses on Internet crimes against children.
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Deputies say they have not ruled out the possibility that Contos had other victims. Contos, who plays in a local band, carried on a monthlong online debra beasley lafave dialogue with the girl before inviting her debra beasley lafave to see him play last month, deputies said. He used the name ``Nate'' on MySpace and ``nateiskiller'' as his America Online instant-messaging screen name, debra beasley lafave according to the sheriff's office. After agreeing to exchange phone numbers online, Contos picked up the girl from a local high school for a lunch date, sheriff's Lt. Phil Wowak said. After lunch, ``Contos took the teen to his home where they engaged in illegal and inappropriate conduct,'' Wowak said. Friday, detectives brought Contos to the sheriff's office for questioning. Search warrants were then issued at the two locations where Contos lived. Computers and other items were seized as evidence that may corroborate the victim's account and potentially lead to other victims, Wowak said.
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