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More stories of sexual abuse by women. Woman arrested for alleged sex with 6-year-old boy. Female teachers accused of having sex with students. Librarian indicted for molesting a 13-year-old girl. Woman charged with sexual assault on 9-year-old boy. School fund-raiser faces trial. Pasco woman guilty of teen rape. Woman charged with raping boy for three years. Female sex offender gets shock probation. Woman sentenced for sexually assaulting nephew. 12-year-old Pontiac girl charged sex with rape of younger brother Woman jailed for sex with boy. Woman jailed for sex with boy -part 2 PTA sex pres held for grad party sex. sex 22-year-old woman allegedly having sex with 16 and 17 year old students. Grandmother arrested for rape. Woman sentenced in sex-abuse case. Woman of seventeen traps police in reverse sex sting. Elderly woman allegedly rapes boy for 3 years. Another child has been charged in an alleged juvenile sex ring. Teen sex: Wife caught in act with teen boy. 28-year-old Michigan woman and 13-year-old boy claim they love each other and want to marry.
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