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Thank you.  March, homemade sex toys for woman 2002   Updated 01-2001 Research Team, I enjoy your site. I am a graduate student at McMaster University, in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. One of my research areas is Sex and Gender, particularly legal and moral regulation. I note that you listed the age of consent for male-male sex in Canada homemade sex toys for woman as being 18. While that is factually correct, in terms of the Criminal Code (the federal criminal statute that is in effect across Canada), it is not entirely accurate. In Ontario, a 1995 court ruling struck down that section of the law, declaring it homemade sex toys for woman "void" and thus unenforceable for the jurisdiction of Ontario. As a result, Ontario police do not prosecute unless one of the partners is under 14 years old, which is the same age for opposite-sex consent.
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