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Chris: Not if I see you first. Gordie: ...the main guy of the story is a fat kid that nobody likes named Davie Hogan. Vern: Like Charlie Hogan's brother. If he had one. Chris: films that time forgot Good Vern. Go films that time forgot on, Gordie. Gordie: Well this kid is our films that time forgot age but he's fat, real fat. He weighs close to one-eighty. But you know it's not his fault it's his glands. Vern: Oh yeah, my cousin's like that, sincerely. She weighs over three hundred pounds. Supposed to be Hyboid Gland or something. Well I don't know about any Hyboid Glands, but what a blimp. No shit. she looks like a Thanksgiving turkey. And you know this one time... Chris: Shut up, Vern. Vern: Yeah, yeah, right. Go on, Gordie, it's a swell story.