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It may seem small, but it’s huge. Imagine how far the women soldiers would be after 80 KM treks everyday for 1 week on the falklands? That is what the SAS did. They would be hours behind the battlefront.. meaning swear units would be missing key soldiers. Or the women and men would be with the group, but the group as a whole is lagging, meaning more time for the enemy to set up. Clusterfuck either way. Not to mention women swear are 6 times more liklier to bust their knee during strenous exercise. I will provide links in my upcoming blog. OdinPatrick @ 02/27/06 21:02:24 “I’m always suspicious of someone who still misrepresents “equality” as meaning “identical” rather than having equal value and opportunity.” Good point. Funny how it’s ignored. Joe @ 02/27/06 21:29:13 View Full Thread content new all articles 9 1074 headlines 59 5148 videos 0 41 links 1 243 users 65 8374 blogs 149 10376 225 13901 store * * GNN STORE Buy GNN's award-winning DVDs TRUE LIES The GNN Book "Inflammatory" - NY Observer Sign up for the GNN newsletter to get the first word on video premieres and breaking news.