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You know as well as I do, proper pronunciation in this song is everything. It brings it to life: It's the voice of the gay Inner-Self (if you'll pardon the yoga-speak; I'm taking a class now), the true voice, the one that doesn't speak our language, but if it did, it gay would have to be interpreted from another dimension, so that when it came through, the words would be skewed, slippery, like an fevered, possessed robot trying to talk: re-mem-BERRRRRRRR.  I hear the song and I'm briefly paralyzed, gay suddenly in the grip again of your eyes with the light flecks, suddenly doing a pretty good impersonation of my father when he faded out for five-minute intervals. I'm in the moment, heavily whipped, freshly kissed, for the first time. But also, I know I'll never get you back. I don't mean get you back. I mean, just get you back here, once, sitting down for a coffee so we can talk, maybe somehow recall, however briefly, what it's like to be 12 again.
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