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and adds a mechanism of invective belittleing of contemporary values of gods, for example, money in jebem ti pare! (fuck your money!). When I returned by bus fucking free from Novi Sad, a young soldier in the seat ahead of me was wiping off the window with the curtain. The driver, who until then was playing loud folk music, noticed the "Balkan" and demanded to know fucking free if he was so primitive fucking free at home that he would clean the window with the curtain. The young man quickly blushed and excused himself. The "Central European" would have deemed that now the driver's anger would have been assuaged, but that was not the case. The driver immediately started swearing: "jebo te bog!, zdaj se boš pa še opravičeval!" ("God'll fuck you! Now you'll really be sorry!") A bible of swear words The mystery remains: why do Serbs have a whole Bible of swear words, while other cultures use only ten or so basic forms? Their popular, schoolmaster explanation is that those who cannot have freedom seek an illusion of freedom in swearing.
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