Millie: Go ahead, Clyde. funny pictures kill your mother

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Millie: Go ahead, Clyde. Start the game. Marty: Woo. Ah, ya... Nothing beats a good piss in the river. Except of course a good ole romping session of a kill your mother stupid, ugly, dumb, pathetic piece of shit. Rocky: Yeah, about that - I wanna call it off. Marty: I'm not laughing. Rocky: Dead serious. Marty: You mean to tell me that you get me all juiced up over this, I steal my mother's kill your mother car and come down here on a Saturday, kill your mother when I could be at home, watching television? I'm out here on this river with a bunch of munchkins who are sober as hell and bringing me down... and now you tell me that we don't even get to do what we came here for? Millie: I don't wanna be here! Millie: We'll never be forgiven for what we did. Sam: You didn't do anything. Millie: [crying] I don't wanna be here, I don't wanna be here. Sam: You know, when we graduate high school, and become doctors and lawyers and all that kind of stuff...
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