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He used to get all his calls second hand, then you'd have to call the people back from an outside phone. There were guys, that's all they movie sound clips did all day long was take care of Paulie's phone call." talkto6people.wav(232K) talkto6people.mp3(232K) Henry: "For a guy who moved all day long, Paulie didn't talto six people. If their was a union problem, or say, a beef in the numbers and only the top guys could meet with Paulie to movie sound clips discuss the problem. Everything was one-on-one. Paulie hated conferences. movie sound clips He didn't want anyone hearing what he said, and he didn't want anybody listening to what he was being told." policeforwiseguys.wav(314K) policeforwiseguys.mp3(314K) Henry: "Hundreds of guys depended on Paulie, and he got a piece of everything they made. It was tribute just like in the old contry except they were doing it here in America.
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