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Question is, is numb better than depressed? Depression is at least some sort of feeling... I could drink, but that is expensive, and I think I need to stop drinking myself into inspiration. Dreamed of more strange things. Always the strange vivid dreams. Last night, my car exploded, I saw it happen from a distance. I knew it was going to happen before it did, so I ran my ass off and as I looked back, the sustainable development car was in this massive cloud of flaming smoke, and hot coals and sustainable development bits of metal in the shape of sustainable development spheres were flying towards me, so I ran, into the trees. I was burned bit, but nothing I couldn't manage. The dream is boring here, until I find myself at the beach, laying with cats. And not typical house cats, either. Most all my dreams are filled with cats, and have been for years. Wonder what it means? They say dreams are a key to the hidden things in our minds, I believe that is true.