Welcome to Music Town. astrology spadina

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Welcome to Music Town. Comments: "I spadina hope it'll be okay. I love you."      -Nic   [2003-02-06 14:56:51] (1 comments) Date: 2003-02-01 22:53:35 (Author: trav) Link: http://travis.kroh.net/archives/001115.phtml I got an SMS from my mom this morning: "The shuttle blew up" I thought it was some sort of reference to spadina the anniversary of the Challenger explosion, until I talked to her later. "You mean, there was another one?" Comments: "Another one, yes. Another spadina plane flew into another WTC tower that 9/11 morning, another furry little woodland animal met its fate beneath the right front wheel of my car and I have another headache. I love you, monkeybear."      -D*   [2003-02-03 18:31:51] (1 comments)   [ home - archives - quoteboard - blogger decoder - wishlist ] This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.
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