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weezer, bc media, estrogen, enlightenedtheme for wordpress, pot, previews, velvet acid christ music song lyrics, cool shirts, wankers, urban, mercury, ballet, personal essays, gay, picture, great, bangs, beatmaster v, I especially liked the Mary Margaret O'Hara warbles in a couple web design of the songs. If I didn't have so many other good recordings to play, I put this one up a lot more... Reviewer: ccTerrific -- can't wait for Martha to put out a full-length album, though these five songs really web design are wonderful, I play them over and over and can't get enough. The title track has really grown on me, but "When the Day web design is Short" got stuck in my head from the first listen. "It's Over" is another good "creeper," kind of an oddity on first listen but again, it really grows on you. FantasticReviewer: AnthonyI almost picked up this CD when I saw Rufus Wainwright in concert. They were selling it then for fifteen dollars... and for some reason I didn't buy it, and felt like a total idiot forever afterwards - until I found it here (and cheaper) on CD Baby!
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Martha is one of the best songwriters of her generation and gay it's a pity that only a few people know her music. I hope she can realize as soon as possible her first full lenght record. Is the wrong Wainwright getting all gay the attention?Reviewer: mottyOn the third EP from Martha she's still trying to find her voice and style. This one taps into emo and grrrl rage. Martha has so much raw talent and such a captivating voice that gay it's a gas just watching her try on new outfits, even if they don't always suit her. And I for one get much more pleasure from Martha detailing her journey as she finds herself as an artist than I do listening to Rufus go on and on and on abut how hard he's trying to throw all his gifts away. friggin' good, but what would you expect?Reviewer: future landfillShe's such a talent, hmm? I would have given it 5 stars but the damn thing is too short - let's have another half-dozen tunes just like these.
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