lgbt, french/appendices/list of authors, poisonous, erin patrice bennett, live concert, argentinean, galleries, abusive, slanderous, how i met your mother episode guide, games, linguistics, your mother's got a penis, cinemas, movie sounds,
DONT LIKE MONEY DRIVEN PEOPLE CAUSE THEIR ALWAYS LOOKING TO GET...ANYWAYS IM NOT MUCH INTO THE CLUB AND BAR SCENE ANYMORE BUT TEND TO GO EVERY ONCE IN AWHILE....I WOULD RATHER HANG OUT AT HOME FOR BBQ'S AND SOME FRIENDS...IM A COMFORTABLE DRESSER, USUALLY DICKIE gina mastrogiacomo SHORTS WHITE STAFFORD T-SHIRTS THE WIFE BEATER UNDERNEATH SOMETIMES A BANDANNA ON, LEVIS OR DENIM JEANS OF SOME gina mastrogiacomo SORT..IM NOT INTO BUTTON UPS THAT MUCH BUT I AM NOT ANTI...I HAVE SOME..ENUFF FROM ME....IM OUT... body { background-color:black; background:url(; background-attachment: fixed; background-repeat: no repeat-x; } BODY{scrollbar-face-color:white; scrollbar-shadow-color:black; scrollbar-highlight-color:black; scrollbar-3dlight-color:black; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:black; scrollbar-track-color:black; scrollbar-arrow-color:3399ff} td, gina mastrogiacomo table {font-family: "matisse ITC"; color:3399FF; font-size: 13pt ;font-weight:normal ;text-decoration: ***} .whitetext12