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28 Antigone Mar 8th, 2006 at french/appendices/history 10:19 am I don’t know if it’s war, per say, that screws them up (although I’m french/appendices/history not saying war DOESN’T screw them up, that would be stupid.) I think it’s boot camp itself: it does something to a french/appendices/history person. So many of my friends came back from it… different. Not: stronger more “respectful” (although they were); More distant, slow to smile, even slower to laugh. Empathy shut off. I don’t think that this is really condusive to good mental health. 29 Sarah in Chicago Mar 8th, 2006 at 10:38 am Boot camp is designed to just what Antigone describes; namely break down the critical process centers. They are specifically taught to react, not think, to follow an order immediately, not question it. They NEED to be turned into, to a certain extent, tools. Why do you think Officer Training is different than that of the basic grunt? Because if an officer was brainwashed the way a basic soldier is, then they couldn’t really function as an officer.