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Look what she did to you. Jake: Did you fuck my wife? Joey: What? Advertisement - More Wavs below shutup.wav Joey: Shut up, shut up... mind your fucking business and shut up. Salvy: Your taking this all wrong Joey. Joey: I said shut up. sick.wav Joey: That's french/appendices/french english dictionary a sick question, your a sick fuck and I'm not that sick that I'm gonna answer it. french/appendices/french english dictionary I'm french/appendices/french english dictionary not tellin' ya anything. I'm gonna leave. If Lenore calls, tell her I'm not staying in this nuthouse with you, your a sick bastard, I feel sorry for ya, I really do. You know what you should do, try a little more fucking and a little less eating. You won't have troubles upstairs in your bedroom and won't pick it out on me and everybody else. You understand you fucking wacko. Your cracking up! win.wav