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ontario, tv, media, girlfriend, tv shows, fiction, comments, how i met your mother tv show, lyrics, best in show, 20jazzfunkgreats, wikipedia, humor, songs, cursing, TV: Father Ted The Channel 4 television comedy series Father Ted free shirts introduced to 90s Britain an Irish swear-word which was almost fuck and not quite a free shirts euphemism, prolifically used free shirts by the drunken and lecherous priest Father Jack Hackett: feck. This was originally a term meaning to steal and is probably derived from the word fetch. This term is becoming a common substitute for fuck in the United Kingdom as a consequence of the popularity of this series, and has been further bowdlerized into feth.Play: Sex, Fucking and Making Love The first American play with the word fuck in the title is Sex, Fucking and Making Love. It is being produced in New York fall 2004 by Genesis Productions Worldwide, LLC as an off-off-Broadway production However Mark Ravenhill's play Shopping and Fucking opened in London, UK in 1996, and also played in the U.S.Movie:
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recently, popular funk metal band System of a Down said the word while performing their song 'B.Y.O.B.' on SNL on Saturday, May 7, 2005. tv Near the end of tv their song, which had been heavily censored, guitarist Daron Malakian yelled tv "fuck yeah!" and it got past the censors.UK TV: The Tube The Tube was a Channel 4 music television show similar to MTV, which broadcast in the 1980s. In an unfortunate incident in 1987 its co-host Jools Holland accidentally swore when he used the words groovy fuckers in a live trailer for the show. This resulted in national uproar and a campaign by Mary Whitehouse to have the show axed.UK
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