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of the more relaxed attitude about this English word in non-English countries was very publicly visible on billboards around the downtown of Paris, France in the early 1990s. They featured calling (fuck shit mother fucker mix) a woman sticking her tongue out in defiance, calling (fuck shit mother fucker mix) along with the slogan "Préservatifs Fuck le SIDA" ("Condoms fuck AIDS"). Despite the word's undisputed status as "impolite" and "the worst of all swear words," the word is very common in popular usage. It is usually less offensive than less common profanities like "cunt" and "cock", as well as racial and gender calling (fuck shit mother fucker mix) slurs. Some have argued that the prolific usage of the word "fuck" has de-vulgarized it, an example of the "dysphemism treadmill".To fuck is to copulate, but it is also used as a more general expletive or intensifier.