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The beneficiaries are likely to be...large corporations and development firms. (O'Connor, J. dissenting in Kelo). God bless you, J. O'Connor. by xanthe on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 08:04:48 AM PDT [ Parent ] Thank you! (none / 0) I adore public forum my son, but referred to as "Mother" or worse "Mom" by people who aren't my son has irritated me since his preschool days. I've public forum tried to explain this to friends who had kids and they public forum never got it. They thought it was "cute." I believe what makes CINDY'S story so compelling is that it is not framed. The diarist should have more faith in her. by anotherCt Dem on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 09:47:54 AM PDT [ Parent ] Glad I'm not the only one (none / 1) Everyone here calls me "Mama" and I detest it. I know my name can be hard to pronounce, but these are my friggin' friends.