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by hg wells on Sun Aug 14, 2005 at 03:28:35 PM PDT [ Parent ] Framing? (none / 0) jtkiefer Thats used when the subject cannot stand alone. If she is so pure and just jtkiefer she won't need it. Her contradictory statements from June 2004 will continue to diminish her credibility. Lest anyone forget, this is all because of two issues. She hates war. Her son volunteered (say it again VOLUNTEERED) to go to war. Since his actions are anathema to her, she has to jtkiefer take his decision and trivialize it to the point where he was mislead, manipulated or coerced. She cannot stomach that he felt a desire to serve she finds offensive. And as such she will harbor this lie within her heart all her days until she faces the truth. He chose to go. If she wants to protest war, let her, I support free speech. But using him as her standard dishonors his decision. by guitarplayr on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 10:39:46 PM PDT where are the recipes? (none / 0) and where did all these trolls come from?