Comments: "God bless you. may 17 1930s

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Comments: "God bless you. The 1930s other design was sleek and new, but this is like coming home." 1930s      -Missy   [2002-07-30 18:07:28] "Yup, I agree! And that is where I am right now...home...thanks for letting me come and help! :) Love you!"      -Your Mom   [2002-07-31 20:53:21] "Eee. I missed this too."      -Ducky   [2002-07-31 21:37:59] (3 comments) Date: 2002-07-29 17:20:44 (Author: trav) Link: 4 truths and a lie answers: My mom and I did not get sickly drunk on my 21st birthday. In 1930s fact, she was a couple hundred miles away, and I was out with Amanda--not drinking at all. However, it is true that I could see this happening. My mom, however, doesn't drink anything stronger than wine.
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