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Why? "Because it was so fucking easy," he replied. Many of the lawyer-victims don't hate him. Said one, "Alvin fucked us all, but I still like him." (SFC, "Sunday web publishing tool Punch," 5 Jan 92: 3) An Honest Judge web publishing tool West Virginia Supreme Court Justice Richard Neely advertised for a law clerk: "America's laziest and dumbest judge seeks a bright person to keep him from looking stupid." (San Francisco Examiner, 29 Dec 91: B3) Up the African-American Creek Gary Bledsoe, a lawyer and president web publishing tool of the Austin (Texas) NAACP, is waging war on derogatory placenames in Texas. He wants to replace some 28 geographical names such as "Nigger Creek," "Niggerhead Bluff" and "Dead Nigger Draw" with names honoring historical local blacks; for example, "Jack Johnson Creek" or "Dorie Miller Bluff."