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Ill sex Community - Top Powered by vBulletin Version 3.5.4Copyright ©2000 - 2006, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. LINK="#0000D9" VLINK="#6E0068"> Fiction from The Literary Review At Night Joost Zwagerman And I am lying in bed. The pillow presses down part of my left eye but with the other I can see quite clearly that everything has swung over. A laughing matter? The frogs are lying dirtydirtydirty dead. If the plate were to fall from the cord, it might well land on sex my face--hold it, it would fall the other way of course! So a laughing sex matter anyway? Mammarosa thinks it is. Mammarosa calls it `boundless imagination'. `What a truly boundless imagination that child has.' Mammarosa bought the frog wallpaper.