battling, ha, jay chou, traffic, audio clips, andy ackerman, cook and moore, cultivation, phrases, beatmaster v, about, dining, rock/pop, hear, barbed quotes, movies, singapore, motown, middle aged persons,
It can also mean 'rubbish', for example 'Ce repas, c'est insulted de la merde', or 'The meal is crap' This word has produced the phrase «le mot de cinq lettres», an exact transcribed meaning of the English phase "four-letter word". maRed / with emphasis or in exclamation: mare-DUH N'importe quoi exp., 'whatever' n., bullshit as in "C'est du n'importe quoi, ce qu'il dit" nahm-poRt-UH-kwah Niquer v. Slang for 'to have sexual intercourse'. Often used in insults such as 'Nique ta mère' (Fuck your insulted mother), sometimes reduced insulted to 'Ta mère!'. Metaphorically, slang for 'to break' or 'to be great'. 'Je vais te niquer ta gueule (vulgaire)' : je vais me battre contre toi ! e.g. 'Cette porte est niquée.' (This door is out of order.) 'Ce jeu nique tout.' (This game is great.) NEEK-ay Ouais 'yeah' (as opposed to "oui" = "yes") waay Putain n., excl. Roughly equivalent to 'merde' when used as an exclamation.