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“you do wierd things when you get bored” no sorry you fuck head only michael jackson does wierd things when he freplyspang bored like when he freplyspang made love to your mother cause see you fuck head thats where you came from bye you nuloved piece of crap!!!!!! michael Comment // September 5th, 2005 // 5:09 am fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck freplyspang fuck you you you you you bitch bitch ohh yeah my name aint michael you fuck head lets see you predict that Jennifer Comment // September 5th, 2005 // 6:22 am I might not have your name, but I have your IP address. Much more useful. Leave a Reply Name: (required) Mail: never shown (required) Website/Profile: geeksmakemehot.com copyright Jennifer Ledbetter 2004 - 2006. Powered by WordPress 2.0 . Portfolio || Custom WordPress Designs by Quirky. presents columns features interviews fiction acid radio gbook: sign/view blogs BODY COUNT By Cody Wayne August 1, 2002 Body Count, Body Count, Body Count, YEAH MUTHA FUUUCKA!!!