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It has to do with the death of the mass market - the existence of large corporations who make their money by controlling the availability of what is available to consumers, web publishing tool and who rely on being able to sell the works they web publishing tool select in large quantities, and in the ways most profitable to them. The book publishing industry relies on the kind of mass- market demand generated by national best-seller lists, and is tightly linked to the film industry. The big music companies make most of their money by selling songs nobody wants - web publishing tool the other songs on the album, apart from the two or three you really want. They are currently trying to give the appearance of wanting to participate in creating some sort of "legal Napster," but the truth is they only want to destroy that kind of market if they can, because it would inevitably mean great losses of profit. Is there any model that would induce you to pay the same amount for downloading the two or three songs you want, that you would pay in a store for the entire CD?