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Comments: "The thing about Creed-- yeah. You're right, I think." -Nic [2002-04-16 20:43:09] (1 comments) Date: 2002-04-16 00:20:41 (Author: trav) Link: I really wanna' watch grow marijuana The Adventures of Pete & grow marijuana Pete. That was a damn fine television show. [Travis: The Man Who] Comments: "I agree. None of my favorite shows are in syndication or anything right now. I want MacGyver. And The Monkees." -Missy [2002-04-16 09:52:29] (1 comments) Date: 2002-04-15 19:34:24 (Author: trav) Link: Blogger Insider: Dan's answers: > 1. If you had a pet grow marijuana octopus, what would you name it? Inky. > 2. What's your favorite Beatles song? Hey Jude > 3. Which is a better value: string cheese or pineapple? String cheese, because it's a heck of a lot easier to eat than pineapple.