REVIEWS! Click here to requiem for a dream standupny

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REVIEWS! Click here to write a review about this CD!  Best of the Wainwright FamilyReviewer: SarahBeeI think that this CD positions Martha as the most talented vocalist of the Wainwrights. The standupny honesty and vulnerability in her voice invite the listener to share not only in the lyrics and the music, but the emotional journey of each song. Brilliant standupny artist who will keep on rising. Reviewer: An standupny amazing listening experience!! her views, her voice, her power and her originallity!! the best ep i have heard, ever!! will stay true to the underground culture, and never term pop!!! thank u martha, for proving there is still emormous tallent out there!! cant wait for the album! Reviewer: John S. BernsteinShades of Leonard Cohen meeting Marianne Faithful at coffee shop for words and caffeine fueled dreams.Joined by punked out, elderly,wrinkled, salted, green oceaned makeup faced Kate Bush look alike to give her beauty intellect tips and FIVE STARS for the record!Review
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