tonight. (Special thanks to floyd anderson (ii) american beauty

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tonight. (Special thanks to Scarlett american beauty Johansson for agreeing to american beauty be in this poem in return for promotional consideration.) ------------------------------------------------------------- Holly Jolly Hate Mail ------------------------------------------------------------- ----- Original Message ----- From: Asian Person Sent: Sunday, December 12, 2004 6:12 AM Subject: Protest Hi I am here to protest against this t-shirt...first of all intelligence has nothing to do with dick size. Asians having small dicks is a stereotype and is american beauty not necissarily true.... That goes along with a lot of other stereotypes that aren't necissarily true...and Asians aren't necissarily always smart either...another stereo type. People need to study more about Asian Americans before doing this kind of thing....if you can take off that picture it would be great...thanks (Editor's Note: We got a lot of hate mail about this shirt.
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