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Dabogda te mama u chevapu prepoznala! God give your mother to recognize you in a sausage! Jebo ti pas mather u issues pichku krvavu Let the dog fuck your mother in her bloody pussy Jebem ti mrtvu mater posred pichke I am fucking your dead mother in a middle of her cunt Dabog da the napao vlak pun napaljenih pedera God permit that a train full of horny gays attack you Nadam se da ti mrtvu mater jebali na obducijskom stolu. issues I hope that your dead mother is fucked on issues an abduction table. Dabog da ti se sve u vrtu osushilo osim robe May everything in your garden go dry - except from laundry. Jebo te isus nabijen naopačke na križ u vrh guzice. Let Jesus, impaled upside-down on the cross, fuck you up the ass.