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Susie Greene: Hey, fuck you, Larry, okay? I didn't get us into this predicament! Larry: I'm much archives more gentiley than you are! Cheryl: Hi, Wandering Bear. Wandering Bear: Hello. How is... your vagina? Cheryl: archives It's... getting better. Wandering Bear: Good! Krazee-Eyez Killa: You ain't got no etiquette, muthafucka! Krazee-Eyez Killa: Wanda ain't gon' find out shit! This between... you my nigga, right? This between me and you! Larry: Yes, I'm archives your nigger. Richard Lewis: Ya fucked it up! You don't know how to use a goddamn cell phone! Larry: It was a shit cell phone! Richard Lewis: A fucking praying mantis could use that goddamn phone! Susie Greene: [about Jeff] He *violates* me, Larry! He disgusts me! Larry: [Larry is on the phone ordering a "Girls Gone Wild" tape, using a ridiculous Art Fern type voice] Yes, I was, uh... I was thinking about ordering the tape, the videotape... about the college girls and the... the wild... the wildness. They're going wild or something?
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