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  The only other time I can use pictures "Mother" in a title and not have it sound weird is "Mother Earth." -Fred Democrats *do* have a plan for Social Security - it's called pictures Social Security. -- Ed Schultz pictures -3.13 -6.05 by FredFred on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 08:36:36 AM PDT [ Parent ]  Huh???? (none / 1) "As a person she is nothing."  You can't be serious.   If she is to be called Mother Sheehan, then is her husband Father Sheehan, and Casey's siblings are to be referred to as Brother Sheehan and Sister Sheehan?   I don't think that anyone alive who is aware of this story doesn't know that she is a mother.   by Finn on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 08:59:21 AM PDT [ Parent ]  lay off the Jungian Kool-aid (none / 1) She's a person, not a "universal archetype".  And that's a major source of her symbolic power. Ironically, even the most powerful human archetype (at least for Jung, as I recall) had a name, and also drew her symbolic power from her ordinariness and sacrifice: Mary.
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