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Richard: You better call me by sundown. Larry: "By sundown"? Is the posse gonna come get me? Richard: How could you not help a blind man? insults Larry: How could you say "blind man" in front of a insults blind man? Blind Man: Oh pleeeeeeease, don't... Larry: You called him a blind man right in front of him. Richard: No, I didn't, I didn't mean that in a bad way, no, I got... Blind Man: insults Oh no, no, no no... Richard: I meant sightless. I didn't mean... I mean I respect the blind as much as anybody, I... Blind Man: Oh, of course, it's not a problem, believe me. Richard: No, I didn't mean that in a, in a derogatory sense. I got my own problems, really... Blind Man: No no! Richard: ...and I'm a recovering alcoholic, I have, I have intimacy problems, so... Blind Man: Oh really? Larry: Poor guy. Terrible intimacy problems. Blind Man: Ohhhhhh. Richard: I do have problems! I had... Larry: Can't get close to a woman, it's a terrible thing!