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When i think poets “military” i think guns being shot. But you are right, women can compromise a large portion of the military just as well as men. For every man in combat, 14 people need to operate behind poets the scenes. OdinPatrick @ 02/27/06 19:26:26 You know, Odin, what’s your point? You started off with something halfway valid about women being mistreated in the military, then start this argument about women being too weak for combat. Well, many men are too weak for combat, a few women aren’t, and women are supposed to be assigned poets to supporting roles, anyway. If you want to scream about women having no right to equality in society, just say so. If you want to start pointing out how superior men are physically, just try having a baby – yeah, we aren’t equal. Chickenma1 @ 02/27/06 19:27:57 I said we aren’t equal in combat, women can be superior than men in things, men can be superior to women in certain things as well.