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it smartmedia went well; also a question "Ta présentation, ça a été ?" = "How'd your presentation go?" ; Answers to this question: "Ouais, smartmedia ça a été" (Yes, it went well) / "Pas du tout" (Not at all) saw ah AY-TAY Chaud Lapin n., Sex maniac (lit. hot rabbit) show lah-PAÑ Cinoche n., A night at the movies SEE-noh-sh La Cité n., ghetto see-TAY Con adj., stupid smartmedia "J'ai été con quand j'ai décidé de sortir" = "I was dumb when I decided to go out" n., litt. 'cunt' (as used in UK English); "Quel con" = "What an idiot" exp. "à la con", stupid, in a stupid way. "J'ai cet examen à la con" = "I have this stupid test" cohÑ Crever v., to burst or explode; to die, 'to kick the bucket' adj., crevé(e), exhausted. As in "Je suis crevé(e)" = "I'm exhausted" n., la crève, a cold, the flu. exp.: "J'ai la crève". creh-vay lah crehve Débile n. or adj. slang for "stupid" DAY-beel Dirlo n. Colloquial word meaning 'headmaster'. dear-loh Enculer v. To fuck, to bugger. Equivalent to "fuck in the ass" ("cul"="ass").