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Stu: Thanks, buddy! Randy: Besides... drama "Takes a MAN to do something like that!" Stu: I'm gonna gut your ass in a second, kid. Randy: Is it true you put her liver in the mailbox, because I heard they found her liver in the mailbox! Browse titles in the movie quotes section by letter:A B C D drama E F G H I drama J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other You may report errors and omissions on this page to the IMDb database managers. They will be examined and if approved will be included in a future update. Clicking the button on the left will take you through a step-by-step process. Home | Search | Now Playing | News | My Movies | Games | Boards | Help | US Movie Showtimes | Top 250 | Register | RecommendationsBox Office | Index | Trailers | Jobs | - Free Trial | IMDb Publicity Photos Copyright © 1990-2006 Internet Movie Database Inc. Terms and Privacy Policy under which this service is provided to you.
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