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Taylor alone I will shuffle down to your room in my cloud slippers and do mean things to you both. " -Ashley [2002-01-23 01:38:12] james v. christy "I'm really starting to love Ash a lot, here." -trav [2002-01-23 10:12:46] "From personal experience, Travis, is it?... James Taylor has an affinity for sweet young boys, and yes, you qualify in james v. christy this james v. christy catagory (sweet young boy), as James Taylor is even older than ME, for chrissakes! Ask Nic and Missy, my ex-husband was his tour manager for a few kidding..." -lee ann [2002-01-24 06:17:36] (9 comments) Date: 2002-01-22 01:14:54 (Author: trav) Link: Just read this. It's really good. Comments: "Oh, the list WAS good! But did you read about his backing into a car at 50 mph? That was REAL GOOD!