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Jessica and her mom are still california at the clothing store. She is looking at a table of underwear california and holds up a small thong. Jessica: "My favorite panties are here. Aren't these cute?" Mrs. Simpson: "You can teabag in those." Jessica: "Mom!" Mrs. Simpson: "Yum!" The Osbournes Kelly walks into Jack's room and he is watching internet porn. Jack: "Hey Kelly, do you want to watch some midget porn we found on the internet?" She tells him to california turn it off. Then Jack starts chasing her with a homemade dildo in his hand. He runs after her with it, saying she smacked him with a dildo once so he owes her. (The dildo and computer screen are pixilated.) Kelly talks back to her mother Sharon, Kelly: "Get your head out of your ass, you [bleeped 'fucking'] evil woman!"