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They have lived lives in which they've committed many ugly acts and crimes, and they don't believe they can be associate forgiven by God and that a decent life can be given to them. However the Bible clearly teaches that anyone without exception, who seeks God and desires to be forgiven of his sins will be forgiven. If you will come to Jesus, He has promised associate to forgive you of your sins, and He will allow you to associate start over again with a clean slate, no matter how corrupt you have been. Another motive some refuse to accept Jesus is because of some specific sin in their life. They realise that, if they become a believer, they will have to stop committing that certain sin, and they do not want to stop. Many people love their sin to the point that they will miss getting into heaven. To become a Christian, a person must repent (change his heart and mind) of his sins, and this many people are not willing to do even though Jesus said, "Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish" (Luke 13:3, KJV).