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For you see his bill gates Pa was really his Ma. He grabbed his Yaa and took the Zaa and the old Laa that was really from Naa. Thus was he Yaa and could be then Haa with a pair of Caa and Bla bla bla. Bla bla bla. bill gates Bla bla bla. Bla bla bla. Bla bla bla. Oh you fool Yaa, who once was poor Naa and saw the Taa upon the Waa. Sa Ha Ya Ta Ma. Bla bla bla. Ya Ta Ha Ka Pa. Bla bla bla. I'M STUPID I'm stupid, and your bill gates a fool. I'm stupid, and your a tool. I'm stupid, and your paisted. I'm stupid, and your wasted. I'm a stupid goof. I'm a stupid goof. I'm a stupid goof. I'm a stupid goof. Hung by a noose, which is loose. And poor old Zeus in Olyimpus's roof, has lost a tooth With a poof, the horse's hoof, becomes the truth which is aloof. Soof and toof Loop and poop yousuloof totenfroof sootedoof withernthoof Fuck off, asshole. HER She talked lovely about Milton Fuck Milton She loved that crazy Eliot guy and his Love Song of J.Alfred Prufrock Fuck Eliot. Fuck J.Alfred