1988, 'short story', gallery, welker white, film reviews, standupny, europe, steal, tricks, merchandise, wordssong lyrics the game black wall street charge it to the game (2005), rip off,
YOU ARE FAAAAAAAAAAAAR BEHIND...... Matoyla Basileioy matoylak@hotmail.com LETTER #2 you are a idiot and blashimian. i want too kick your ash. jesus 1930s panish you and you are curst. Xaris Papargyriou woody@internet.gr LETTER #3 i am from greece. fuck off i hope burn in hell asshole Պ lrentzos@x-treme.gr 1930s LETTER #4 Dear Bob , GO FUCK YOURSELF YOU WANKER dikefal dikefal1@otenet.gr LETTER #5 FUCK 1930s OFF MOTHERFUCKER! up your ASS Sakellarois Athanasi asakell@tee.gr NO threats, pornography, viruses, violence, misspellings or pointless agreement with their message to me. Make it clear which of the 5 letters is referenced and forward your entries to RetortContest@NormalBobSmith.com Most importantly, HAVE FUN! The entries have been tallied and the judges have made their (my) decision. Come see!