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/ 5) She is effective. Interesting thing yesterday listening to Laura Flanders.  She had someone call in from Crawford and give the latest news on the funny pictures ground.  This caller was a mother whose son was waiting to be deployed to Iraq.  The caller described the people coming to Crawford as "mostly veterans and a lot of funny pictures families." If Mrs. Sheehan is reaching veterans, military wives and military families, she is reaching the right people. "We need a war to show 'em that we can do it whenever we say we need a funny pictures war." -- Fischerspooner by bink on Sat Aug 13, 2005 at 08:11:41 AM PDT [ Parent ]  what do you mean-- she's having no effect (4.00 / 3) she is having a powerful effect. In her witnessing to her grief and rage she has become a symbol, a symbol of everything that is wrong with the Bushies and right with America.
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