I fuck your mother shopping rap

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I fuck your mother in her hot pussy, while you're cooling it down with your tongue. Ako te pojebem u guzicu majki ćeš na grobu govoriti kako ti je rap lepo bilo. If I fuck you in the ass, you'll be telling your mother rap all about it on her grave. Jebo ti ja sestru medju oci tako jako da ce joj se praunucad radjati sljepi I fuck your sister between the eyes so hard that rap all of her grandchildren will be born blind. Jebem ti majku na mrtvackom vozu za Sabac u pola noci u levo uvo u punom mjesecu. I fuck your mother in her left ear on a hearse going to Sabac at the midnight on the full moon. Da Bog da greskom mesto zeca ispekao i pojeo svoje mrtvorodjeno dete. May God give you to cook and eat your dead born child instead of a rabbit.
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