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I HOPE I WAKE UP TOMORROW AND THE FRONT OF EVERY NEWSPAPER SAYS ' ALL GAY MEN FOUND DEAD ' associate WAYNE SMITH POMPOUS LIMEY BASTARDS They're pompous limey bastards!!!!!! enough said.And where the fuck did you pencil dick, chutney eating, motherfuckers, ever find an 'ed' behind the letter Z. At least we 'yanks' have discovered two valuable tidbits that the limeys have missed. Dental care and breeding outside of our immediate family!!!!There was a good reason why we left. gary b. at you 'cause you are ... associate a fag!!! fuck@you.asshole associate (uh-hu. actually, it's Leonardo DiCaprio This isn't a racist, sexist, homophobic rants about some gay faggot that fuck's nigger's, and who's mama's a whore and he's daddys a bitch. No, this is just stating the truth about Leo DiCaprio. The fact that he's a faggot that fucks niggers and the fact that his mama is a whore and his's daddy's a bitch.