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Is the city of London about to become a french/appendices war zone simply because V has a personal grudge? The serious tone “Vendetta” takes encourages french/appendices such moral nitpicking. Although some marketing materials aim to position this as an action film, viewers expecting a thrill ride might be disappointed. V engages in a french/appendices couple of satisfying crime-fighting set pieces, but the story is more occupied with mystery and intrigue. Happily, it almost is entirely free of the hollow pomposity that marred the Wachowskis’ last two “Matrix” films. Here, Alan Moore’s graphic novel and the history of real-world oppressive governments is more than enough, leaving no need for the screenwriters to invent hokey mythologies and plenty of room to fantasize about revolution. V FOR VENDETTA Warner Bros. Pictures Silver Pictures Credits: Director: James McTeigue Screenwriters: Andy Wachowski & Larry Wachowski Based on the graphic novel by: Alan Moore and David Lloyd producers: Grant Hill, Joel Silver, Andy Wachowski, Larry Wachowski Executive producer: Benjamin Waisbren Director of photography: Adrian Biddle Production designer: Owen Paterson Music: Dario Marianelli Co-producers: